Monday, January 18, 2016

Invest In Yourself!

We all have dreams that we want to accomplish, we all have goals that we want to achieve. Will it be easy? No, But we definitely have to work hard to make them happen. It may look easy but in reality it's not. Look at your favorite celebrity, look at their story on how they made  it happen, I bet they won't say it was easy. It take a lot of time, dedication and most of all hard work. 

I see a lot of people with dreams that just sit there and wait for it to happen or for someone to make it happen for them. Guess what? It will never happen for them because dreams don't come true without you putting in the work. Invest in yourself, stop doubting yourself and make it happen. The same effort you put into going to the club, put that effort in making your dreams come true. The same effort you put into unnecessary people that are no good for you, put that same effort  into your dreams.

It's 2016, nothing will come easy and nothing will be easy. PUT IN THE WORK! This is YOUR DREAM and no one else's. Stop waiting on others to make it happen before you know it, 10 years will go by and you will be somewhere that you wish you weren't. Do what is necessary to make your dream come true, you believe in yourself...Don't You? 

You are capable of making your dreams and goals become your reality. I knew from a very young age I wanted to be a writer. At first I didn't know how it was going to happen but I knew one day I would be a writer. Yes at first an opportunity came to me to write my first book, I took it. It was an experience because it didn't last despite the book coming out and all. Did I give up on my dreams but most of all myself? No, I kept pushing. I was determined to come out with my book a second time around, I saved every penny I had, I searched for the best publishing company that would print out my book, I found the best cover designer, I did it ALL.  It wasn't easy especially since I wasn't working but I was determined so I made it happen. It took months but I didn't give up and now my book is doing well and being read by many all over the world. Of course I had doubts, I was scared but I knew that God would be by my side and what is meant to happen, will happen. If I didn't do it on my own, my dreams would be catching dust and I would just live the rest of my life thinking of the "What Ifs". 

In everything that you do there is a hustle and a business to it. If you're into doing makeup and that's your passion, find a way to make it a career. If working out is a passion for you and something that you love to do, then find a way to inspire others and make it a career. I believe that we all have a passion but majority of us are scared or just too lazy. You can make it happen instead of worrying about the lastest gossip but you choose not to go for what you believe in. 

It's not too late if you think it is, make this year be the year that you make your dreams come true and make it happen. Stop waiting for the perfect opportunity, truth is there is no perfect time. You just have to make it happen even if you have to do it on your own. Stop Investing on things that won't benefit you in the long run. Those $600 shoes you want with the matching coat isn't necessary when you have a dream that you truly want to make a reality. Think about it! You can invest that $600 into your dreams and watch it manifest. 

As I always say "BELIEVE IN YOURSELF"..........I believe in you. Stop thinking you aren't capable of making your dreams one tire, Nothing Is Impossible To Accomplish!!!

     A Confident Love From Me To You. 
                   Xoxo, Yanika  

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