Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A Battle I Will Overcome.....1 Day!!!!

We all have our own battles that we deal with which can be tough but what I've learned over the years is that no battle that you face can beat you. As long as you keep on pushing and never give up, 1 day you will overcome this battle that you are facing. I've learned to believe and have faith and no matter how hard it gets to keep on going. 

One battle that I have been battling for years is losing weight. I remember being twelve years old and going to the store to buy Jenny Craig shakes so I can lose weight. My weight didn't really bother me but it bothered others because they used to tease me about it. I also remember starting High School and wanting to lose weight because I wanted to wear the latest fashion like everyone else due to those clothes not coming in my size as well as wanting to lose weight to feel pretty because no boys ever tried to really talk to me when I was with my friends. All of those times I wanted to lose weight was never for myself, it was never something that I truly wanted but something I wanted to do so I can "Fit In". 

All those times I tried losing weight never worked, I mean I'll lose some weight but I never succeeded getting to the goal that I wanted. It took years for me to realize that mentally I wasn't ready. I would start and then a few weeks later give up but what's so crazy is that part of me felt bad for not trying hard enough. I often question myself " Why did I have to be fat?", "Why couldn't my stomach just be flat?", so many questions but the only person that could make a change in order to answer those question was ME. 

Don't get me wrong, I love myself but I can't ignore what to me seems to be my flaw. I talked about not being in love with my stomach before, despite the fact being love with myself, Iam human and it's ok for me to not completely be in love with every single inch of my body. Now someone may say "Isn't Confidence is You?", Yes it is but as I said before Iam human and my stomach is a part of my body that I have issues with. Iam being honest but I know that Iam the only one that can make a change. 

It's ok to be in love with yourself and not be completely comfortable with certain parts of your body. Society want us to hate ourselves and not accept who we are, NO! we will love ourselves and be who we are.This battle that I had for years to lose weight has been a struggle for me but one thing I have never done is Give Up! Yes, I can start today and 2 weeks later slack off but I get right back into it. Last week I went to a ZumBa class and for an hour and 10 mins straight I did it and I didn't stop. I kept on going just like I will continue fighting to lose this weight.I Love Myself but I just want to be much healthier and be completely comfortable with every single inch of my body without no worries for my future. So For Those Thinking That They Can't Do It, YOU CAN DO IT. 

I know so many of you guys dealing with the same battle and asking yourself the same questions but trust me, We CAN DO IT!!!!! Don't cry, Don't be frustrated, Fight until you win. I refuse to let this battle win over my life and my happiness, it's time I kick some serious ass. Iam tired of having those feelings not being completely in love with myself. Don't wish you was someone else that beat their battle of losing weight, just do what you need to do and kick your battle ass once and for all. 

You Can Do It, Do What Works For You! 

      A Confident Love From Me To You 
                    Xoxo, Yanika 

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