Tuesday, September 6, 2016

My Story Is Your Story.

When I was growing up, I always kept everything to myself. I never wanted to share my feelings or what I went through because I felt that no one would understand me but over the years especially after starting Confidence Is You, I realized that sharing my story can inspire, motivate and uplift others. My story didn't have to only be my story anymore. I noticed others went through the same emotions that I was  feeling and understood exactly how I felt. 

From struggling with having low self esteem, being in a unhealthy relationship, wanting to commit suicide (which I have scars to prove it), not having a job, not knowing what my passion in life would be and the list goes on of the many struggles I went through in life but Iam still here to prove to you that I didn't give up and there is no reason you should give up. The truth is you can and you will overcome anything that you go through in life. I always say which took me awhile to realize that God doesn't give you anything he knows you couldn't handle. 

We all go through things, no one is perfect. Oh so you think you're the only person that goes through things in life? Ok, keep thinking that. The truth is 9 out of 10 times someone else is dealing with a problem even bigger than yours. I know in that very moment that you're going to what you're going through, you feel as if the world is coming to an end. I've been there, to the point at one time I cut myself numerous of times because I didn't want to live anymore. 

Do I regret it? Absolutely not. I learned to love myself and appreciate life even more after I did that to myself. Life can become overwhelmed but you have to keep fighting, you have to keep going and know that better days awaits. Life is a battle but nothing that you go through last forever. The problem that we have is that we want things to go exactly how we want it when we want to. In reality it doesn't go that way, God already have everything planned for us. I've learned to be PATIENT, that what is meant to be will be. I used to stress myself even more thinking and wishing for things to happen when I wanted it to but it never did. Once I learned to be patient, things started happening for me. 

The toxic relationship became a lesson learned, I found a job that I love, my passion for writing turned into me blogging and being a self published author of an amazing book which Iam very proud of. Everything that I went through in life made me a better person, I don't have any regrets. Make every obstacle you go through make you a better person. Don't let anything stop you, you deserve much more and the best is yet to come for you. 

Don't limit yourself! Don't doubt yourself! Take every problem that you face as a blessings, in due time that's what you will see it for..A BLESSING! I know you got this, I once thought nothing would change for me but each and everyday Iam reassured that what I went through needed to happen to make me who I am today. So I will continue to share my story, my story is your story. Let's inspire each other and be great. 

   A Confident Love From Me To You. 
                   Xoxo, Yanika 

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