Sunday, February 4, 2018

2018 Is STILL Your Year.

Woohoooo, We survived the first month of 2018, January felt so long. I swear it felt like the whole year of 2018 in just one month. Despite the fact that it was a long month, we survived it and it was truly a month for us to prepare ourselves mentally to attack and reach all of our goals that we set for 2018. January is a trial month, its a month for us to create the dots and connect them through out the year.

I set so many goals for this year and have I accomplished them all within just a month? Absolutely not, the goal wasn't to accomplish them all in just one month  but to work on them and make a plan for each and every one of them so I can eventually reach them within this year. The thing about reaching our goals is to NEVER GIVE UP!!! No matter what you may go through in life, if you have a goal to accomplish, make sure you turn your goal into a reality. I said it before, One of my goals is to be on NY best seller list one day and it will happen one day but I know I  have a lot of work to do so I can get there one day. I don't depend on anyone to help me with my goals and you neither should you.

                                                 Picture Taken BY : Yessenia Diaz

I realized that depending on others will always slow you down and most of the time the people that we depend on don't have the same interest on achieving the same goals that we have so depending on them won't help YOU in the long run. I only keep those around me that supports me and want to see me WIN. The truth is not everyone wants to see you win and even if they say they want to see you win, deep down inside they are wishing on your downfall. That's why they are only two people besides God, My mother and Marc I tell my goals to because these two individuals pushes me and make me believe in myself more each and every time I tell them I have a new goal. They never doubt me, they just say " YOU CAN DO IT & YOU WILL" and they are my Best friend Yessenia who I have known for 18 yrs and my friend Shantelle aka Peaches who I have known for almost 5 years. Don't get me wrong there are a few others that believe in me but those five including God because with all things God will find a way to make it happen pushes me more than I even push myself.

I set a Goal for the new year to read a new book each and every month and Guess what? not only did I finish a book ( Taraji P Henson "Around the way girl"..which btw is an amazing book) I started reading a second book in the month of January ( Shonda RHimes " The Year Of YES"). I also promise to change some of my eating habits and I have, drinking more water and eating way more fruits and vegetables, I haven't really started my workout goal but its ok. The year isn't over yet, and we have 11 more months to make things happen. So if you haven't started yet, don't think or feel that its too late. It's NEVER TOO LATE, you just have to believe within yourself and connect your dots and make it happen for yourself. No one is going to be there to help you but yourself.

So 2018 is still YOUR year, make things happen for yourself and stop doubting yourself. All things are possible to reach, you just have to believe that you are capable of reaching it. Like I said its all about connecting the dots and reaching for our goals one step at a time. AND even if you don't achieve the goals that you set for yourself to achieve in 2018, Keep mind that those goals will be achieved one day. YOU GOT THIS BABY!


                                                           A Confident Love From Me To You
                                                                          Xoxo, Yanika 

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