Friday, November 23, 2018

Carey Adela On Self Worth, Self Love & Being Yourself.

There are people in your life that no matter what you go through, they will be there and reassure you know that everything will be just fine. Over the past year I have removed individuals that no longer served me to become a better person, I just wanted people around me that will help me grow, inspire me to be better and to motivate me to keep on going. Carey Adela is one person in my life that helps me grow, inspire me on a daily and motivate me to build my brand to the top. Carey and I have been following each other on Instagram for yearssss and it wasn’t until this year that we first FaceTime each other and met each other for the first time over tacos and drinks, I mean how amazing is that including Girl Talk. She a beautiful person inside and out and she makes sure that despite what she goes through, she keeps on going. From her wellness challenges, Motivational T-shirt’s and post on IG to inspire and motivate others, she always makes sure she is there for others. 

Self care and Self love is a necessity which some don’t take seriously. I’ve learned that in order to be a better version of myself, I must take time for me and do things that makes me happy. We tend to forget about ourselves when things get tough or too overwhelming but it’s important to put yourself first and keep going no matter what. I knew that I wanted to feature Carey on Self Care and Self love, so it was a pleasure “digging deep, Ok Oprah” as she said. 

Who Is Carey Adela? 
I’m a bomb ass B****! Haha kidding (not kidding) I am a mother, daughter, sister and friend to many women who I have yet to meet in person. I am just a woman who wants other women to believe in themselves, to feel good. I am becoming the woman I needed when I was younger. I am a phenomenal woman. 

What Does Self Care Mean To You? & How Important Is It ? 
Self care to me is intentionally taking care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally (mind body and spirit). There are many forms of self care and it looks and feels different for everyone. It can be a simple as getting a mani or or taking a buble bath with a book and some wine or it can be something more difficult like releasing  someone from our lives because they are toxic to our souls. Self care means that we are putting ourselves first, taking care of us in order in maintain healthy and balanced relationships with others. 
Self care is so important because it is how we maintain a healthy relationship with ourselves as boost our confidence and self-esteem. Self care is an act of self love. 

Self Love Means To You....... & Why Is it Necessary? 
Self love is more than just a hashtag or a selfie captioned “self love”. Self love in my eyes is accepting, embracing and love on all the parts of me the world has told me I shouldn't. Self love means knowing I am worthy and deserving even when I don't feel so. Its necessary because if we dont love who we are, how we are, while working towards a better us, we will constantly attract people who dont love us either and people who treat us less than we deserve. 
Self love doesn't mean that we “like” everything about us all the time. There are things we may never like and  that is natural. I often ask women “if there were no other people to look at, to compare yourself to, would you love yourself exactly how you are?” The answer is usually yes. So act as if thats the case. The same people we wish we looked like have their own insecurities and parts of them they are struggling to love.   

We Live In A World Where Ppl Feel Being Yourself Will Have Others Judge You, How Important Is It To Be Yourself? 
Man listen we are all going to be judged (by  people who don't even have their shit together) for every single thing. Their judgement is a reflection of them and has nothing to do with you. Be authentic regardless. Being authentic gives others permission to do the same. 

Growth, How Important is it? And what advice would you tell someone afraid to take certain steps in order to grow? 
If you are not growing you are not living, you are merely existing. Growth is an ongoing process of understanding and developing yourself in order to achieve your fullest potential. 
To everyone afraid to step outside of their comfort zone, just jump. Take a chance on yourself. The unknown may seem scary but it may also be greater than anything you have experienced. I am currently taking my own advice. 

When did you realize putting yourself first was important and needed to become who you are today? 
After my last relationship, thats when I realized how important it was to put myself before any other human being. I totally lost myself trying to show him I was “worthy”. I put his needs before mine. I wanted to make sure he was happy all the while I was depressed; for almost 2 years. I was stressed to the point that I lost majority of my hair. I felt empty - because I was. I had poured into him for so long, without him pouring into me. 
And that is something I will never do again. 
 If we constantly pour into others without filling ourselves up, what happens? Exactly what happened to me, you will be left empty. 

What are some Daily struggles you face? And how do you keep on pushing despite it all? 
Some of my daily struggles 
My daily struggle is fear. Fear of failing. Fear of letting my son down.  I have so many things that I want to do but I allow my fear to stop me. But I want to make myself and my son proud. I dont want to just tell him that he can be and doing anything he wants, I want to show him. And thats what pushes me to keep going. We cant just tell out children they can be whatever they want while we are miserable at jobs we hate. Children do listen to us, they follow what they see us doing. So, I have to do better for us

List 5 of your favorite affirmations and why?
-My heart is open
-I am more than enough
-I am more than my past, my experiences and my circumstances. I am limitless, abundant and full of love. 
-Abundance in all forms flows to me freely 
-Everything that is happening right now is for my highest good  

You started a 30 wellness challenge for women, please explain what is it exactly, what was your goal/purpose to start this challenge? And how important is it to you? What do you want women to feel/ learn when doing this challenge? What are your future goals for this challenge? 
Yes, its called “30 Days of Wellness”. The purpose of this challenge was to bring women together, to empower one another. The challenge is a personal challenge where women are challenged to set aside time everyday for themselves and take care of their mind, body and soul.  Its challenging because women naturally take care of everyone else except themselves. We are just nurtures by nature.  We put our friends, family, significant other and children before ourselves. We have goals too. But we get caught up with “life” that we put our goals to the side because we are exhausted. So this group challenge teaches new ways to find “me time” to workout, eat better and practice self care. The group of women in the challenge provide support and encouragement to one another. 
My hope is that the challenge grows and it empowers other women to live their best, healthiest life. 

Your purpose in life is 
My purpose in this life to help women heal and grow into who they were created to be, through being transparent and sharing my truths. 

Confidence is you because
Confidence is me because I am authentic. 

Carey, Carey Carey, as I told you “ THE  best is yet to come for you”. You are pure, one of a kind and authentic with who you are and what you do. God will always bless you and I am bless to have you in my life. Seriously, if you don’t have friends to support and uplift you to be better and do better, let them go. The time is now that you put yourself first and have people around you that will be by your side cheering you on as you’re doing better and making yourself happy. 

Self Love, Self Care and being yourself is important. You may feel that it isn’t all the time but it is. You have to make time for yourself, you have to put yourself first and be yourself through it all. 

Life is too short to not make time to make yourself happy or do something for you and not be your authentic self. No matter what, I always make some “me time” especially after having my son because it is necessary for me to have a peace of mind. He is sleeping as Iam writing this blog, this is my me time because I am doing something that I love and that makes me happy and which also gives me peace. When he wakes up, I’ll be refreshed. So never forget about yourself and what’s important to yourself. 

Always know that you matter and that you're worth it because you are. No matter what you go through, tell yourself " Confidence Is STILL Me". You Got This! Thank You Carey for sharing who you are and being true to yourself. Follow Carey on Instagram at @careyadela 

                       A Confident Love From Me To You
                                      XoXo, Yanika 

1 comment:

  1. Loved this. ❤️Ending toxic relationships anything that doesn’t serve me is the continued goal of 2019.
