Tuesday, January 15, 2019


One thing is for sure in order to succeed you have to work hard and stay consistent on turning your goals into a reality. I’ve learn in the past few years that you can’t depend on anyone to hand you over success, if success is what you want than guess what? You have to do what you have to do in order to get it. Success won’t happen overnight, we all know that greatness takes time and patience. You have to keep going and do what’s necessary each and everyday until God knows it is the right time for your success. 

There are a few times, I felt that I needed to give up but why should I? Yes, Iam not where I want to be but I know being a best seller author will happen for me one day. I just have to put in the work which I can be extremely honest about because truth it Iam not putting all of the work that needs to be put in to make my dreams come true. I have to work harder and most of all stay consistent. Being consistent and remaining focus are my downfalls which isn’t good at all. I’ll start something and somehow tell myself, I’ll do it tomorrow and then tomorrow ends up being  2 months from now until I have no desire for it anymore. 

I know what my goal are and what my purpose is in life and I made a promise to myself in 2019 to give it my all in everything it is that I want to do. NO MORE EXCUSES!!!! Excuses delay your progress and I can’t keep thinking one day things will change for the better if I keep making excuses. So let go of every excuse to why it can’t happen and start having faith that it will happen because you will work hard for it to happen. 

The best thing is to INVEST into what it is that you want to accomplish.

• Invest yourself meaning give it your all, don’t give anything that you believe in half of you. Give it your all so invest yourself 100% in what you believe in. 

Invest TIME meaning make time for the things you want. If you love writing, put aside 30 mins a day for just writing same thing goes for painting, cooking, etc. Whatever your goal is, make time for it. I love writing and reading but working full time and being a mother full time at times it’s hard to write or to read a chapter out of my book. But I can’t make excuses, I have to make time. So on my way to work which is about an hour and 15 mins, I either read or write. Now no matter what I give my purpose the time that it deserved no matter what.

Invest money meaning if you need a product or something to elevate your vision to the next level, invest your coins into your business. So many people are afraid to invest money into themselves because they are afraid they may fail and lose out on money. I rather lose money than not giving it a try. I invested my own money into “Confidence Is You” From publishing my book, hats, pens, business cards, clothing pins etc. I didn’t have any handouts, I took chances and each chance I took it turned out better than I expected. 

Take changes, take a leap of faith for what you believe in. You will never know how it feels to turn your goals into a reality if you never give it a try. You will regret not going for what you believe in if you let your dreams go by. It doesn't hurt to invest whether its yourself, your time, money etc. It will all be worth it, believe it will but most of all BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

                           A Confident Love From Me To You
                                         Xoxo, Yanika 

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