Monday, June 10, 2019

A Winner You Are

We all want to be successful, we all want to win, we all want to be the one to achieve our goals and live the amazing life we want. Guess what? We all can, of course our journeys are completely different but we all have the ability to succeed and win in our ways. Is it easy to succeed? It’s not but you’re capable of doing what is necessary in order for you to succeed. Over the years, I realized if it’s something that you truly want it won’t be as hard as you think it it. If being the owner of your own salon is your dream then all you have to do is work towards that goal. You will take you making some sacrifices but it will all be worth it once you have the keys to your own shop. 

When I came out with “Confidence Is You”, I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to do besides make a difference by helping women with their self confidence. I knew I wanted to incorporate my passion of writing into CIY. I was blessed to have someone believe in me to give the opportunity to write a book. Despite the plans changing after my book came out, here I am still writing and doing what is necessary in order for me to be successful. I may not be where I want to be but I am further than I am when I started. I could of given up once I got dropped from the book publishing company. I went into a depression afterwards, I just didn’t know what to do but I knew for a fact I wasn’t going to give up. 

After a few weeks, I had to do what was necessary for my book to be known by more women all over the world. The first copy of my book was shipped to Africa, Los Angeles, Detroit, England and the list goes on. There was no way I was giving up, my book with my name on it is in places over the world. How amazing is that? I wanted my book to be in so many more places and for so many more women to be reminded that they matter, they’re worth it and Confidence starts with them. I prayed and prayed and prayed some more. I just knew I was going to come out with my book again one day.

 I remember having a conversation with one of my friends  and he said “ have you ever thought of self publishing” and as a self published author himself, I was interested. He gave me advice and information, I did my research as well. Was it easy? It wasn’t. I think my biggest thing was having the money to have it published. I could of easily borrowed  the money frim my parents but I didn’t want to, I wanted to do it on my own. I wasn’t working at the time so it was hard for me to save over $1,000 but a few weeks later after a year and some months of not working, I got a job. God was working and it was my time to do the work for my dream to become my reality. 

As soon as I started working, I started saving. I was determined and I knew that if I saved money and stayed true to what I believed in then my book will be released again but self published by me this time around. I saved money for a few months and through those months, I was in contact with a publishing company which till this day I still keep in touch with them. They were beyond amazing and did everything in their power to make the book perfect. I was scared of course but I was determined before you knew it my book was released again self published by ME. 

So no matter what it is that you are passionate about, no matter how hard it gets, you just have to keep going. It won’t happen overnight and that’s ok because eventually it will happen. I said it before, Iam not where I want to be but I know one day I will be where I am suppose to be. I just have to stay focus, stay ten toes down, stay in my lane and do what’s best for me. Don’t allow anyone else success or journey discourage you. What’s for them will be them and what’s for you will be for you.  The road to success isn’t easy but it’s not impossible and can be done. 

So many of us be so quick to give up when it doesn’t go out way the first time we give it a try, it doesn’t work that way. The people that you look up to, your favorite celebrities didn’t give up after their first try or hearing the word “ NO”, they kept pushing no matter how hard it got. Any thought or goal can turn into a reality, it takes work, determination and consistency for it to work. So don’t be too hard on yourself and stop doubting yourself. Believe in yourself, have faith in yourself and act like it’s already yours because it is. 

You Got This, I Believe In You!!! Remember Confidence Is You Always. 

             A Confident Love From Me To You
                            Xoxo, Yanika

( All Pictures Taken  By My Best Friend Yessenia D, Her IG name Is @oooh_yess) 

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