Friday, September 27, 2019

It’s Been Awhile

Once again it’s been awhile since I’ve written a blog, I say this because Iam always saying how Iam going to be “consistent” and then weeks go by until I post another blog. From the first week of August to now the last week of September, yeah it’s been awhile. Iam not going to seat here and write why I haven’t written a blog in weeks, I haven’t and it’s OK. I thought of writing many blogs, I have a few saved in draft but I didn’t finish them and it’s ok, one day I will. 

Right now, at this very moment while laying in bed on a beautiful Friday night at 9:44pm and decided to start writing this blog. I don’t know where Iam going with it but my heart is telling me to tell you “No matter what, Keep Going”. Life is hard and society makes it hard every day for us to be ourselves and for us to do what makes you happy. I’ve learn in the past few months especially that in order to live a good life, you have to be happy within yourself and do what’s best for you always. You can’t put yourself last while putting others first and you kept keeping wishing you could do it when deep down  you know you can. 

I know that I can be one of the best bloggers out there if I just stayed consistent and I’ve dealt with feeling down about it but I pick myself up and tell myself “ you got this, Keep going”. I may not be where I want to be despite it’s been years since I started “Confidenc Is You” but I know one day I will. And the fact that Iam still going no matter what, I know it will eventually pay off. So I keep swimming and I have no plans on stopping ever and while doing so Iam going to be myself and continue to do what’s makes me happy. 

Too many people are suffering from mental illness, shit is real. Too many people are fighting depression because they can’t be themselves or feel as if they aren’t good enough battling childhood trauma, issues that they can’t handle and so much more. Too many of us are silently killing ourselves with our tears and sorrows because it’s just too much. It’s sad, it hurts me to know they are so many people fighting a battle that they feel they will lose. I’ve been there, I was knocked down but I fought back with everything in me and I won. They are some days I feel like everything is against me but when I feel that depression feeling slowly coming back on to me, I remember the days I was at my lowest where I almost took my life away and I suddenly fight back. 

I refuse to let anything or anyone get me to that point, there is nothing that you may be going through that can get the best of you. Keep in mind and feel it in your heart that YOU MATTER. No matter how hard things get, Keep Going. You’re stronger then you know, keep fighting. The battle can be tough but you’re tougher. You know what amazes me, there is someone going through hell, and they are smiling through it all. While Iam laying in bed with a roof over my head, there is someone praying for a place to stay. So why wouldn’t I be grateful for it all? And fight for my happiness. 

Life is too short so whatever it is that you may be going through m, fight that shit and keep going to be the best version of yourself and live a life with beautiful memories of the things that you wanted to do and that makes you happy then a life full of regrets. YOU GOT THIS, KEEP GOING! 

            A Confident Love From Me To You
                            Xoxo, Yanika 

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