Friday, January 24, 2014

My Confident Birthday Suit <3.

Green?! "No I don't think so", "Those pants are cute but I don't know, people will stare". Those shoes are nice but "I may look funny walking in them".Pink lipstick ?! "Oh hell no, I'll look funny". This was me a few years ago, the not so confident Yanika. I would go shopping and always see things I would love to wear but my insecurities will get in the way. I would make things up in my head thinking people would stare and say things behind my back just so I wouldn't buy it. If  I did buy certain outfits that I did like, I Would feel so uncomfortable while wearing it. I know I had to snap out of it soon and kick my insecurities to the side.

I know I was pretty whether my size was a small or not but going through the things I was going through at that very moment I just wasn't confident within myself. When  dealing with a person that doesn't make you feel beautiful,  doesn't appreciate you, doesn't treat you the way you're suppose to be treated. You lose yourself, you feel unpretty and you wish to be someone else. This is why I always tell you my confident dolls to know your worth. No one should have that affect on you or make you feel that you aren't pretty or worth it. I knew I was pretty and I knew my worth but I was just stuck with this person. Once I was completely fed up and had the courage to leave him and dig deep inside myself to find ME again, my confidence came back. It was no way I was going back to having low self esteem and just being unhappy. I knew my happiness mattered and I just wanted to smile again. 

Fashion was important to me, Fashion is a statement in where you can identify yourself and showcase the person you want to be. I love fashion and I knew I needed to get those negative thoughts out of my head. It was hard cause its not easy letting go of your insecurities overnight. But with prayer, time and my confidence shining through my smile, I knew I would get those thoughts out of my mind. 

3 years later confidence is you is now born and my fashion thoughts doesn't involve "I Don't Know" Or "Iam Afraid Of How I Will Look". Now if I see something I like, I buy and I rock it. Once you feel comfortable in your skin, nobody can't tell you nothing. The person that matters the most is you, as long as you're happy then nothing else matters. One thing I learned is people will always have an opinion, so why please anyone else but yourself. You can't make others happy while you're being unhappy. If you want to wear color, sequins, crop tops, high waist jeans, a freakum dress etc then you wear it. No one can tell you what to wear and what not to wear. Society will make you feel at times only certain people can wear certain things. Like crop tops isn't for plus size girls, or sequins. Kiss my ass society, Iam going to rock what I want and be the Ish in it. 

So if you feel you can't where certain because of what others may say or think, my confident dolls remember your happiness. Don't be miserable or look at others and say "I wish I can wear that". That was so me in the past, I would see others and say to myself "she looks nice, I wish I could wear that". But then I had to tell myself "I can so wear that", I just had to find my confidence and do so. Nothing is meant for just one person to wear, Iam tired of hearing people say certain people can't wear this or that. Stop being afraid and just wear what you feel like wearing. Once you're confident in yourself, everything flows. 

Let your confidence be the best accessory you wear at all times and remind yourself that no matter what you are beautiful. Confidence Is Like Saying "F@ck You, Iam The Sh*t" Without Opening Your Mouth. Say It With Your Walk, Your Smile, Your Entire Being. And don't let or allow anyone to take that away from you. Be Confident, Be You and wear what will make you happy whether people stare or share their opinions. Who cares?! Like I said as long as you're comfortable and you're happy then that's all that matters. 

Believe or not I had 48 hours to find my birthday outfit, I knew I wanted to be comfortable and chill. I didn't want nothing fancy or glamorous, but I wanted to stand out. So I went to one of my favorite stores Forever 21 and here you have it....My Confident Birthday Outfit. The whole outfit, from my green top, to my bag, to my colorful pants to even my shoes is from Forever 21 for under a $100. I always say shop on your budget, you don't need a huge budget to buy clothes you love & would wear. Shop within your needs, it was chill and I felt comfortable in it. I loved all the colors in the pants and the shoes, it was just want I wanted to wear. I loved it with no negative thoughts besides "I look fly", I brought it and rocked it out. 

Be Bold, Be Confident, Be You And wear what you want to wear and make a statement in it. Confidence is you My Beautiful Confident Dolls. 

Confident Love From Me To You

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