Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Confident Transformation Featuring Teisha Henry ❤️

Meet Tiesha Henry (@mama_fitt)! A certified personal trainer, food handler, group spin instructor, and mom of a twenty-three year old son. Above all she is a woman who not only decided to seek happiness, but also took the initiative to make changes in her life that would make her happy. In 2007 she was injured on the job and it left her with severe muscle spasms on the left side of her neck, shooting pain down her left arm, and a damaged disc in her neck (C3 & C4). While she enjoyed not having to go to work for a few years, the physical and emotional pain took a toll on her. Along with the constant pain, she had to receive injections in her neck twice a month. Tiesha sunk into a depression as she continued to gain more weight. “I felt like I was dying slowly,” unhappy with where she was at in her life, Tiesha would always complain about her life and body. Losing all faith, she got to the point where she didn’t even feel like praying anymore because in her eyes nothing was getting better. However that all changed, as years passed she was taught by a mentor/friend that instead of blaming everyone else and making excuses about why things aren’t working in her favor she should take the initiative and work on herself.  Along with always surrounded herself with people who had higher dreams and reading self-help books to better herself. Tiesha turned to God, asking her to get past the hate and anger she was experiencing in her heart, and God answered her prayers. She woke up one day flushed every bottle of pills down the toilet (except for 2 bottles which she kept in case of an emergency) and got her a membership at Bally Total fitness, 3 days a week for $19.99.
Her weight loss journey started with attending Bally Total Fitness three days a week. However, she didn’t limit herself to the three-day commitment alone, she would attend all the free classes offered at, began to walk more, and she didn’t workout alone. Tiesha was not afraid to admit that she didn’t start dieting right away, right after working out her and the ladies would go straight to the Chinese Restaurant, emphasizing that it is okay to move at your own pace. Tiesha was finally getting back to her happy place and she NEVER felt like giving up. She was determined to lose the weight and get healthy. She emphasizes the fact that it’s all about her and still is about her, and that thought is what keeps her going. While none of her friends attend the gym (and if they do they’re inconsistent) she still continues her weight loss journey. She says all this not to put them or anyone else down in any way, but to make a valid point: Make your weight loss journey about YOU! “Because when they stop, you continue pushing because your goal is not their goal.”
Tiesha’s exercise routine is a little challenging, but she provided me with a moderate workout routine. As a personal trainer she is very aware of ladies concerns when it come to weight loss: legs, butt, & stomach, where some don’t even care about their arms. She starts off with 2-3 sets of 20 reps on their body parts, she personally add 10 lbs. ankle weights when she is working on her legs and 4-6 sets of 20 reps. Tiesha is all about challenging herself to continue gaining positive results. For abdominals, she recommends 2-3 sets of 40 crunches and lower ab workouts for her clients, for herself she pumps it up to 2-3 sets of 100 crunches and lower ab workouts. “Ladies we must go hard on our stomach, (its) not an easy muscle to lose, also diet is 85% of your life change.” By putting in the work and following the “Better Eating Plan” she provides with training weight loss turns into a healthy lifestyle.
Along with working out, Tiesha’s eat habits have changed as well. She came to a point in her life where she realized that in order to maintain her 165lbs body she had to make her diet a big part of the lifestyle. Her diet consists of 3 small portion meals per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 3 snacks. What she does is in between each meal she has her snack. She also drinks plenty of water, recommending 6-8 bottles of water a day depending on your body size. And since she has reached the point where she can eat what she wants, on Fridays and Saturdays she chooses to eat out and “indulge in someone else’s cooking” while following a healthy diet during the week. The trick to her eating out is that she eliminates oily and greasy foods, and if she should have a craving for fried fish or chicken (YUMMY!!!!), she prepares herself and cooks it in coconut oil.
The lifestyle changes that she has made overall is staying active and loving herself more. She keeps her state of mind focused on her goals. Doing so allows her to keep an open mind, reminding herself that if she doesn’t continue to follow her routine she will return to the unhealthy person she was year ago. Tiesha has dedicated herself to not only maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but uses her life lessons to teach others how to maintain a healthy lifestyle: doing so by default allows her to stay healthy. “No one wants to train with an unhealthy personal trainer! Always remember people are watching you, some hoping that you fail.” And that’ll never happen because she loves this Mama_Fitt even more!
           Tiesha With Her Son Daquan

When asked what advice she would give to someone who wasn’t losing the weight for their self she simply replied: “It is not going to work!” Here in 2014, the same people she started working out with in 2007 did not stay with because of just that. She emphasizes the fact that you must let yourself be the reason that you do anything in life, don’t let it be about anyone but you because when it comes down to it, only the strong survive! And for those who want to lose weight for their self she says to start off with writing down your goals before you start working out using these 5 simple questions (questions she asks her clients):
1.     What do you want to come out of this weight loss?
2.     What are you willing to give up to reach and maintain your goal?
3.     Why do you want to lose the weight?
4.     If I help you reach your goal how would you feel?
5.     When would you be ready to get started?
In order to maintain her figure Tiesha does one simple, at the end of the day she remembers “Tiesha wants this!!” While some of you reading this may be thinking yeah right she’s a trainer it’s easy for her, she’s working out with herclients. She expresses that is not the case at all because at times she’s training 12 people per day, teaching classes, and subbing classes for other instructors, which doesn’t give her the time to work out as often as she’d like to. However she doesn’t use that as an excuse, Tiesha makes the time and goes harder because her time is so limited.
Lastly, I asked Tiesha to finish the sentence: Confidence is me because…She responded: “Confidence is me because I stop blaming others for what has happen in my past, started loving me more, set aside realistic goals to make me a better person! I stop allowing people to my reason I make the decision in my life! I am truly at peace with myself, and I love the Sexy...Lovable-Diva.... Life Coach.... Mama_Fitt God has designed me to be!!!One thing I have learned from my mentors yes it is always about you first but once you start helping others by default you will reach your goals.”

Tiesha Confidence Will Always Be You, You're A Phenomenal Women & Greatness Belongs To You. Thank You For Being An Inspiration ❤️

    A Confident Love From Me To You
            Xoxo Yanika & Kayla 

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