Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A Confident Tuesday Transformation Featuring Carey Adela ❤️

Everybody needs inspiration and motivation and I would have to say when it comes to weight loss, a lot of us struggles with it. I know I do, for years I would tell myself "Iam going to lose weight" and then a few weeks later I give up due to it being to hard. Iam not a quitter when it comes to anything else but when it comes to losing weight I just say "I'll start next week again". I can't keep doing that, now don't get me wrong I love myself. It took me years to be comfortable with myself and to love every single part of me but I can always go on a healthy route to a better lifestyle for myself. So I decided to share some inspiration stories from people I've been following for inspiration to give you inspiration. 

Our first "CIY Transformation Tuesday" Story goes to Carey Adela, I've been following her for quite some time and I must say she is truly an inspiration. Carey is 28 years old from New York City. She struggled with low self esteem and her weight her entire life. She tried every diet known to mankind to lose weight to only gain the weight back. It wasn't  until January 19, 2013 when she went to a friends house warming party that her life would change. As usual, she was the biggest woman in the room. She felt  uncomfortable and spent the evening tugging on her clothes while comparing herself  to the other women with hour glass shapes that were there. The next day she took a look back at the pictures that were taken and she was mortified. She couldn't  believe that the woman in the picture was actually  her. She just couldn't believe she allowed herself to get that big. After she cried her heart out, she got up and said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! 

She started her weight loss by looking through Instagram, Yes Instagram. She searched through weight loss hashtags. After that she changed the way she ate by adding more veggies, fruits, lean meats, whole grains and also by drinking a lot of water. She also started to exercise by doing cardio for 45 mins about 3x a week. It wasn't easy and each time she thought of giving up what kept her motivated to keep on going was the thought of that picture from the night of the house warming bringing her back to how she felt that night. She thought of how uncomfortable she was at 270lbs and couldn't give up. She kept going and fought for her happiness. Without a exercise routine, she would do her cardio and weight lifting. Whatever exercise she hated the most, she would do that  first to get it over with. (Excellent Tip). Her relationship with food has changed. She once turned to food for comfort, which most of us do. I know I did in the past, but she no longer does it.  She EAT TO LIVE NOT LIVE TO EAT!!! With  NO meal plan, she eat things in moderation. Except McDonalds, She doesn't eat that anymore. 

The lifestyle changes that she made overall is that her entire life is differently now. She make sure to get some kind of physical activity in each day while still eating healthy. Many find themselves losing weight for the benefit of others, what advice would you give to someone who isn’t losing the weight for their self I asked her. She simply said she would tell them that they need to lose it for themselves. You can't lose weight for anyone but you. If you do, it won't work or results won't last. It's kind of like looking for happiness on the outside. Happiness is an inside job. I couldn't agree with her more, at times we look for others for happiness when we are the ones truly responsible for our own happiness. 
I asked her what tips would she give to anyone that is ready to follow their weight loss journey, she said RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH.  There's so much information out there don't just rely on Instagram or a person. Google is your friend and can provide you with so much. Also, what works for someone else may not work for you. So find what works best for you. Be honest with yourself. Be consistent and patient because results take time. If you look in the mirror and see no change or if you hop on the scale and the number doesn't move, DO NOT GIVE UP, IT TAKES TIME! 

       ( A Queen she is just like YOU) 
         ( Confident In her Bathing Suit) 

I know that maintaining the weight you lose is hard but Carey refuses to go back to what made her unhappy. So far for a year she has been maintaining her weight loss/ figure. It wasn't just a diet for her, it was a lifestyle so therefore she is in for life. The workouts, her eating habits, they are apart of her life now. Eating clean and working out shouldn't be just until you get to your goal weight, make it a lifestyle change for the better. 

It is hard my confident dolls losing weight but when you're ready to do it and ready to fully be committed to doing it everything will follow. You have to be mentally, emotionally and physically ready to do it.  I can't force you to get on the treadmill or make you eat vegetables but I can encourage you to take small steps to a healthier lifestyle you desire. It wasn't easy for Carey but she didn't give up. She did it for herself and her son, she knew she needed to live a healthier lifestyle so she could live longer for him. Find motivation and inspiration where you go and be around those that will push you not bring you down. At times when we want something, there is someone trying to break us down. Keep on pushing, just like Carey you're doing it for a change, a better lifestyle and stick to it. 

Remember anything you want in life, you can do it. Never think for a second that you can't do it. Anything is possible, I asked Carey Finish the sentence:  Confidence is Me because she replies by saying I am comfortable in my skin with flaws and all. That made me smile because I strive to inspire you all to Love Yourself Inside & Out, Embrace Every Part Of You & Appreciate Yourself  Flaws & All. 

Confidence Is YOU Carey, I Salute you for making your happiness number 1 and striving for it. You are an inspiration to me and to many. I know you will continue to be great and to be an example of positivity and inspiration. You are a confident doll and truly a sweetheart. Thank You, Always & Forever Confidence Is YOU Beautiful 💕 

                  (isn't She Beautiful) 

You Can Do It My Confident Dolls, I will be here to hold your hand when you feel like giving up. Just think of how happy you will be at the end of it all. 

     A Confident Love For Me To You
                    Xoxo, Yanika 

1 comment:

  1. I love the story, I've been following her for quite some time now but I didn't know how she lost the weight. Thank you for sharing!
