Monday, October 23, 2017

Be The Power Of Your Voice

What is the point of having a voice, if you aren't going to use it. What are you afraid of? Are you scared of voicing your opinions, feeling & thoughts thinking of what others may say or think or better yet thinking that how you feel or what you think doesn't  matter? Oh I get it, I was once afraid and actually it hasn't been that long ago since I've found my voice. I was tired of being in a box and feeling as if I can't express how I felt because I was afraid of what others may think or make anyone feel a way. But I had to ask myself one day, what about me and my feelings when I mattered the most. 

Growing up I was already judged about my weight so I didn't want to use my voice even if it was voicing my  thoughts or opinions because I didn't want others to judge me for something else. Once again, I didn't use the power of my voice because of OTHERS. We live in a world where you will be judge for how you dress, who you love, where you're from, your weight and everything else under the sun. It got to a point where I was making myself crazy and depress because I kept everything that needed to be express inside of me, in my heart and soul. That wasn't an option anymore, I give too many people the power to take advantage of me, from friends to family. 

2 years ago I told someone very close to me that I couldn't go on with certain activities leading to a special moment in their lives. I fought with the decision to tell them but it was more important for me to take care of my business as in fixing my credit than to partake in that particular activity. It's not as if I didn't want to be there but to be honest I had goals to achieve and there was a point where I wasn't working for almost 2 years so  I made a promise to myself, once I was back on my feet, I needed to get certain things taken care of. At that very moment, I had to be true to myself. I said " they will understand", a lot happened after I followed my heart. Our relationship took a left turn where I regretted saying anything but I had a " you did the right thing Yanika, you did what you had to do for you" moment. Do I still regret  saying anything? No, Iam happy I did. That situation showed me a new level of strength that I never knew I had. You have to be true to yourself, no one will be more honest with you than you. Was I suppose to make them happy and forget about me? That was the beginning of speaking my truth and not keeping everything inside of my heart and soul. 

You have a voice, USE IT! Aren't you tired of allowing others to take advantage of you, aren't you tired of driving yourself crazy because you aren't being true to yourself. If someone doesn't like your honesty or respect your feeling and thoughts than they don't need a place in your life. You can't live in a box for the rest of your life just to satisfy others, you always have to do what's best for you. You have to make yourself happy at all times, and be true to who you are. 

A Confident Love From Me To You

              Xoxo, Yanika 

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