Friday, September 29, 2017

Do They Matter To Be In Your Life?

Growing up I held on to people that I knew wasn't good for me, I just held on to them knowing they didn't deserve to be in my life. From friends to guys I was in a relationship with, I held on. It wasn't until I was about 23/24 years of age that I let go of a friendship that I thought would last forever. I knew that I had to walk away from it, yes of course it hurts but once you know your worth everything is so much easy to let go of. The year before that I decided to let my relationship with my ex of many years go and still to this day it was the bet decision that I ever made in my life. 

At times you keep people in your life because you feel they will change, or you're afraid of being alone. Trust me, I know. But you have to know within yourself that you are worth it and if they deserve to be in your life or not. If that person isn't bringing good into your life, making you happy, making you grow and respecting your worth, LET THEM GO! People come in your life for a season, years, maybe a lifetime but most of all to teach you a lesson. Not everyone will last a lifetime and I realized that the most this past year. 

I learned some valuable lessons that was taught to me by people that were in my life. I used to ignore those lessons knocking on my door but not only do I know my worth and know what I deserve, I have a son now that showed me what's really and truly important in life. It doesn't have to take you having children to know your worth, you should know already what you deserve and what you can't tolerate in your life anymore. It isn't mandatory for you to keep anyone in your life especially if they aren't bringing any good to it. Learn to let go and not allow people exaggerate their stay in your life. 

You have a friend in one corner, talking shit about you and doesn't even support you but you keep her in your life because "oh she's my friend of 15 years". Bullshit, let her go. A real friend wouldn't talk shit about you and that same friend will support you in all that you do. In the next corner, you have a man in your life that doesn't see your worth and doesn't deserve you. He doesn't even care to make you smile and he doesn't care to make you happy but you keep him in your life because " you don't want to be alone". Girl if you don't let that man go and appreciate your alone time until the right one comes along. Then on the next corner, a family member that tries to bring the bad side of you out or better yet always trying to bring you down, " Oh it's ok, we family". No, it's not ok. It doesn't matter if they blood or not. Let me tell you family will be the first ones to bring you down and see the worse in you. So family or not, if they aren't bringing any good in your life, it's ok to remove them from your life. 

Iam a point in my life where I just want good vibes and good people around me. I want people I can learn from, grow with, and can be themselves around me. Life is too short to be with all the extra BS. Life is already hard and you're going to keep people in your life that isn't doing any good for you.  What may look good to the eye may not be  good for the heart,

If you have to keep questioning if they deserve to be in your life, the answer is mostly no. Always do what makes you happy and keep those in your life that truly matters. Your heart deserves peace, happiness and positivity from others. Don't keep anyone in your life who doesn't belong there, know your worth. 

A Confident Love From Me To You

               Xoxo, Yanika 

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