Wednesday, December 27, 2017


I have to say this past year have been a year of intense growth for me and it truly led me to the path that I am destined to be on so I can completely be the person that I am meant to be. I know that the instant changed in me and the beginning of my growth began when I found out I was pregnant. I remember telling myself, “ I have to be a better version of myself, Yanika you have to change”. I felt like it’s some battles that I had to overcome in order to be ME and one of them was GROWTH. 

I had to stop being afraid of the “what if’s” and just live everyday how is meant to be. I was fed up of putting others in front of me and satisfying them and forgetting about ME. I was tired of overreacting over things that wasn’t worth it. I knew in my heart for my child, I had to GROW UP! I didn’t have time anymore to play around and putting myself last. Reality set in that I had someone that I had to put before me and that will depend on me for their rest of their lives. 

Now Iam not where I want to be because each and everyday is a new day to become a better version of ourselves but I know for a fact Iam not the same person that I was a year ago. From my temper to my overthinking all changed because it used to effect me in a way that I would react negatively mostly with my mouth or make me overthink to the point I would lose sleep which isn’t worth it at the end of the day. 

I learned to think before I react and ask myself “ Does this situation need a reaction?” And 9 out of 10 Times, It doesn’t. But we are so quick to react that it is after that it happens, we are like “ Shit, it wasn’t that deep” but it’s ok. Now you know next time a situation occurs to THINK BEFORE REACTING. I know some of you are reading this like “Yanika, It’s hard”, trust me I know. I’ve learned that certain situations doesn’t need your energy. Why waste your time and energy on something that isn’t going to do you you no good? I just Let Go & Let God now. 

I remember the days when I used to stress over things and people that now I look back like “ I could of saved a lot of tears” but Iam Thankful that I went though all the bullshit that I went through and  seen people I thought was good for me for who they really are. Each and everyday there is a lesson to be learned, and with that lesson you grow from it. Learn what was shown to you and apply it to your life everyday. Don’t keep repeating the same things over and over again to affect you from growing. 

Growing is part of becoming who you are meant to be which is beautiful. There is nothing wrong with GROWTH, some people are just afraid of it. Growth is a beautiful thing but it will take you out of your comfort zone and make you face things that you thought would never happen. Growth is a powerful drug but the type of drug you need on a daily, Iam addicted to it. I just feel like it’s important for me to keep on Growing for me but most of all, My Son. 

Don’t be afraid of GROWTH, Don’t be afraid of becoming a better version of yourself. Let go of what isn’t meant for you, Let Go Of People Interrupting your greatness and be the person that makes you happy. 2018 is your year, CLAIM IT!! Don’t let your comfort zone stop you from growing. I thank God for many reasons and one of them is allowing me to find myself so I can be the person that I was destined to be. He blessed me with a son that will help me with my growth and not be afraid to accept it. 

You don't necessarily need someone or a reason to grow, plant your seed by any means and blossom into the person that you're meant to be. DO IT FOR YOURSELF. You have to do what's best for you at all times in order to be the best version of yourself to live your best life. The things and people that  tries to break me down now ONLY makes me more powerful, Thank You Growth. 

                         A Confident Love From Me To You

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