Friday, March 30, 2018

Dear Queen,

Dear Queen,

You know that you are magical, Right?
You are indeed BEAUTIFUL inside out with a heart of GOLD.
Despite the circumstances you been through in life, those circumstances doesn't define YOU.
We all go through things but one of our best powers is that we are STRONG and we can bounce back from anything. Always keep in mind MY QUEEN that no matter what you go through in life you will be JUST FINE. God gives his strongest soldiers the toughest battles, Oh yes he does!.
YOU are SMART, You are TALENTED with a list of goals that YOU CAN AND WILL ACCOMPLISH because YOU GOT THIS! Stop DOUBTING yourself just put your MIND AND FOCUS into It. 
You are WORTH it... I repeat, YOU ARE WORTH IT. Just because you felt the pains of a broken heart doesn't mean that you aren't worth it . Things happen, you were just too good of a women for that person and that's OK. Life Goes ON!!!!!

I get it going after your dreams can be hard but when its the only thing that you want, trust me you will make shit happen to make your dreams your reality  AMBITIOUS GIRL.
Your DRIVE will make any man go crazy, as well as your sense of humor and the love that you have for yourself, THE BEST LOVE IS SELF LOVE. 
Once again Be proud of WHO YOU ARE and give every inch of yourself the love that it needs and deserve.
Forgive who did you wrong for YOURSELF, you don't need to hold on to any negative vibes. Just Forgive and move on for your peace of mind.
My Queens, let's uplift each other instead of breaking each other down, There is enough room for all of us to win so why break down another queen just so she doesn't make it. Inspire her, push her and give her the motivation that she needs so she can do better. 
We all need Motivation on a daily basis. We all have to support each other and be there for one another. I know that motivating and inspiring others is what I need to do, I want all of my queens to succeed and just be happy. Happiness is such a beautiful feeling and to be genuinely happy is beyond amazing.
Life isn't easy so don't be too hard on yourself.
Don't be anyone else but yourself, being YOURSELF is the best person that you can be.
Don't let your crown slip, adjust it when needed.
Don't allow anyone to steal your joy or define who you are.
YOU ARE A QUEEN, the world need to see you SHINE!
You are STRONG, remember I told you that you are. 
There is no obstacles that can break the SOLID DIAMOND that you are.
I love you, I support you, YOU are capable of accomplishing it all and being a better version or yourself everyday. GROWTH is beautiful, don't be ashamed to GROW.


                  Remember BE confident, Be you Always. CONFIDENCE IS YOU!

A confident Love from me to you
XOXO, Yanika 

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