Sunday, September 16, 2018

CIY Fashionista Featuring Bryndaisha Byrd

Hello Everyone,

When I first started blogging, I knew right away that I wanted to feature different women from all over the world that embodies confidence through their STYLE. Being plus size is one thing but being plus size,confident and wearing any/everything to make your style different and most of all make you stand out is EVERYTHING. It’s been awhile since I’ve written or featured anyone for “Confidence Is You Fashionista” but I knew I wanted to bring it back, I feel that we all need inspiration and ideas on how to be ourselves when it comes to fashion. 

Some people think that you have to be a certain size to wear certain things, I THINK NOT! If you’re comfortable wearing it than guess what? WEAR IT. Fashion has no SIZE LIMIT, you can be at your lowest weight to your highest weight  and STILL BE FASHIONABLE. Don’t allow society to make you stay in a box, you were born to stand out. 

I knew right away who I wanted to feature to bring back “Confidence Is You Fashionista”. I’ve been following Bryndaisha  on social media for years and I featured her before for "CIY Fashionista" 3 years ago but why not bring her back bigger and better . One thing that is always ON POINT no matter what, through any season for any occasion or day is HER STYLE! She doesn’t let her size stop her from being fashionable, from prints, leather, skirts, dresses and all, She is CONFIDENT through her style but most importantly CONFIDENT within herself. 
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1.Tell me about yourself 

My name is Bryndaisha Renyece Byrd and I am from Chester, PA. I am currently 29 years old soon to be the BIG 30 on November 23rd (whoop whoop)! Hella excited!! I am a new business owner! I have created an online plus size resale boutique via Instagram called SuperSizeMyStyle(TheCloset) where we carry super dope pieces! I am also in LOVE and happily Married to my Best Friend for the past 2 years, Mr. Kevin Byrd.
2. How would you describe your personal style?

I would describe my personal style as ever evolving! My style and the way that I dress is constantly changing. I don’t like to be confined to just one style.. I dig switching it up! I can be super feminine in a look all the way to a dope tom boy ‘real quick’.. I love prints! Anything printed that catches the eye is my absolute favorite! Especially Animal Prints and African Prints!!  I like pieces that take over. Make people ‘stop & stare’ wherever I go!

3. What do you love about fashion?

I love the way fashion makes you feel. It’s like the ultimate ‘pick me upper’. I am also a woman who enjoys the art of getting dressed. From going through my closet and deciding what I want to wear all the way to blasting music, in front of a mirror and actually putting it all on. I truly enjoy getting dressed up.. Its my ‘daily’ therapy! Fashion has been such a highlight of my life and has encouraged me to do soooo many things such as creating SuperSizeMyStyle’.

4. How do you manage everything in your life ( marriage, Job etc)! 

I always lead with fashion. So regardless to what I have to do or what task needs to be completed I am the happiest when I do it in style!  Now, since I work from home.. You can literally catch me in my living room with a floor length kaftan on and glass of wine dressing up my mannequins. I still get dressed as if I was going to a job just in a much more comfortable yet fashionable way! As far as my marriage, my husband enjoys my fashion just as much as I do so he typically likes to go out just so that I can get dressed. Literally at least 3 times a week he says “you wanna get dressed up for me tonight?” One of the reasons why I love him!

5. Do you do anything specifically to incorporate your personal style into your career?

As of lately, I’ve been gravitating more towards  my outfit responses on instagram. Usually, when I post a picture I get tons of inquiries on where I’ve gotten items from or different ways to style things so I’ve been using these responses to fuel the different styles I bring to my boutique. If I have on a dope piece that I thrifted and the response is great enough, I throw it up in ‘The Closet’ Might as well share...

6.  What is your favorite fashion trend? Why?

Right now it would have to be Camo. I love Camo. Even though it’s been around for awhile now. Camo has become a basic.. Almost like wearing black or beige.. You can wear it with almost anything!

7.  How do you feel about “fashion rules”?i.e. Don’t wear white after labor day etc.

The only fashion rule that I abide by is ‘Do The MOST’. I gotta give credit to my husband for this. Sooo many times I get dressed and I’m like... Am I overdoing it? Is this too much for this event??  I’m not trying to outshine nobody..  And my husband is always like “STOP DUMING YOURSELF DOWN!”  So now I just wear what I want.. Regardless. If you look and feel good then shit go for it. Can’t wear it when your dead sis!

8.     What is your go to fashion item? Why? Where do you shop? 

My fashion go to would have to be a Kimono! Kimono’s can just take a basic outfit like a tank and a pair of boyfriend jeans to the next level without you putting in so much effort! Especially a printed one! Throw on a lip and you ready for war! 

As far as my favorite places to shop for the past 2 years have been thrift stores.. I LOVE to thrift! You truly find the DOPEST pieces in thrift stores. I used to love online shopping just as much as the next girl but it’s almost like EVERYBODY is dressing the same.. I can’t get down with that. I’m all for individuality...  So I thrift!

9.  What item do you look forward to wearing this coming fall season ? 
I am soooo looking forward to oversized jackets and coats this upcoming fall.. Almost oversized anything.. Hats, Jeans, Bags Etc. But I am really living for oversized coats this season!

10. What advice would you give to someone who is trying to find their personal sense of style?

The advice that I would give is to really hone in on what you like.. Sometimes you have to tune the world out and really place a focus on what makes you feel good when you have it on. Everyone’s shape is different. We don’t all have the same stature and we don’t all have the same goal when we get dressed. Some woman want to be comfortable some want to be fashionable at all cost and don’t care how bad their feet hurt lol Find out what you want to look and feel like when you get dressed and rock with that!

11. What are your future Goals? 
I have quite a few but my ultimate future goal is to just be happy. Genuinely. I just want to wake up everyday stress FREE.Working from the comfort of my own home, hanging out with my husband, styling the world one beautiful chick at a time.. And if the lord sees fit to throw a baby in there at some point in time then I would REALLY be appreciative! But, the future is in God’s hands.. I just want to be happy! 

12.What do you want to see more of in the fashion industry?

I honestly feel like right now the fashion industry is in a really good place. There was a time when I would say that I wanted to see more girls that looked like me (plus size) but I do. The plus size industry has really taken over fashion and I am LOVING IT!

13.Who inspires your style? 

The beautiful ‘Jilly from Philly’ Miss Jill Scott is my absolute favorite Fashion Icon! I swear that woman can do no wrong in my eyes. I love the way she dresses and I absolutely LOVE how she looks in her clothes. From printed jumpsuits to the illest super high platform shoes.. I’m always in a AWE when I see her. That’s the ora I hope to project when I walk into a room!! I love her style!

Finish the sentence: Confidence is Me because  I am UNAPOLOGETICALLY myself. Learning to not down play myself for the likes of anyone.. I am a free woman and I desire to live as such!!

No matter what SIZE YOU ARE don't let it STOP you from being CONFIDENT in your SKIN and be EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE. It took me years to be comfortable wearing certain things because I felt that being a "plus size" women it wasn't meant for me to wear certain pieces. Now that I am confident within myself and comfortable in my skin, HONEYYYY I wear what i want and can't nobody tell me SHIT! So always do what makes you happy and don't stop LIVING for YOU. Bryndaisha, You're AMAZING and I know the BEST IS YET TO COME for you. Keep Inspiring and Keep being YOU. Iam proud of YOU, LOVE YOU SIS!

Follow Bryndaisha on social media at @supersizemystyle and follow her boutique as well at @supersizemystyle_closet

                                        A Confident Love From ME to YOU
                                                          xoxo, Yanika 


  1. I'm so proud of you. Bloggers are getting all the love..Keep it up.

  2. Your style is smoking and yes you are encouraging

  3. I would love to find and purchase the shirt on phone number 9. Please let me know where you purchased that shirt I love it.
