Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Tiona, Taking a leap of FAITH.

A few months ago, I decided to switch the blog up a little bit and feature Queens which stories can inspire others and motivate other Queens to be Confident, reach for their goals and remind them that they matter. Instantly before I can post my idea, I received a DM on Instagram from a beautiful, young queen telling me how she would love to be featured on the blog. Now if that wasn’t God, I promise you ideas and visions are planted in us from God, I truly believe this. That was my sign that I needed to do what I felt was needed for the blog. 

Of course, right away I said “YES” after she briefly told me about herself. Her story was suppose to be featured since last year but life happens and as we all know my life is a bit hectic but she was patient and she understood, I knew that I needed to share her story as soon as possible and here we are. Tiona IG is what I have her saved in my phone but she is more than that, she is a singer, sneaker lover and queen that took a leap of faith and shortly faced  with losing her biggest supporter and love but no matter what kept her faith,kept pushing and still isn't giving up. Despite everything in life, always go for what you believe in..Everyone meet Tiona. 

    1)Who Is Tiona? 

 I am a fighter. In order to get what you want in life you have to fight for it. Throughout my life I wouldn't say I had it easy, I would say that I have been very blessed, but being blessed still means that I have to push for what I want and make it happen.  I would also say that I am a lover.  I love my family and my friends and I love people in general. I love meeting new people and sharing experiences with them and I especially love kids. I love talking to them about their dreams and being a role model for them. I believe that music and art are a major part of me as well. I love being creative and that comes out in not just my music, but my love for sneaker culture as well. 

        2)What are your inspirations in life? Who and what inspires you? 

My Grandmother inspires me.  She is a staple in her community, not being afraid to stand up to people and doing whatever needs to be done to make sure that her community flourishes.  She inspires me to do good, to use love instead of hate. Be honest even when it is scary to do so. I'm also inspired by my father, he was a good man, he took care of his family and was always there for his friends. He was a hard-ass and didn't take crap from ANYBODY, but he was still loving. They both taught me the value of hard work, and being a woman of my word. I am inspired by people who aren't afraid to go for what they want.  The people who aren't afraid to hear the word "no" and who help others. 

       3)What does Self Love mean to you? 

Self Love is always evolving. It's not something that you get when you're born. Learning to love yourself is something that will always be tested throughout your life and each time you have to rise to the occasion. If you are in a bad relationship you have to love yourself enough to let it go and move on.  Even if you get a bad haircut, you've got to love yourself enough to go outside even though you hate the way you look (both of these examples have happened to me LOL). Self love is not just about loving yourself enough, it is being brave enough to love someone else, and that can go for a significant other, family member or child. 

        4) From NYC to Atlanta, you moved to pursue your music career, tell us more about it? When was the first time you fell in love with music? 

When I first moved to NYC, I wanted to pursue my music career and I always wanted to live in NYC. While in NYC I was able to pursue my music and do shows, create relationships and I still held down a 9-5.  After awhile I started to get bored, and I acquired a new manager. My manager at the time was based in Atlanta and I was going down there frequently.  After awhile I kept thinking that it would make more sense to go down there and pursue my music career full time. So after not so much critical thought, I quit my job, packed up my car and drove to Atlanta. Looking back it wasn't the smartest decision because after I got there I lost a lot and had to start over, but that experience taught me a lot about myself. 

I first fell in love with music as a fetus, and this is not a joke I promise you I came out of the womb singing! :) My mother was in a gospel choir and while she was pregnant with me would still go to rehearsals and do shows, so I've always been around music. In grammar school I would re-mix the words to my favorite songs to tell jokes in the lunch hall with my friends. I sang in the church choir and had solo recitals at my school almost every year. Music was and will always be a part of who I am and is intertwined into my veins. 

        5)How important is to go after what you believe in? You took a leap of faith leaving everything you knew to go for what you believe in, what would you tell someone afraid to take a leap of faith? 

Going after what you believe in- to me is everything. My goal in life is to be happy and do things that make me happy. It is important to your confidence, self-love and your peace of mind to try.  If you have a passion and you never pursue it you'll never know how far you can go in life. If you don't go after what you want you will always wonder "what if?" and I don't want that feeling. That's what I would tell someone.  Go for it and see, the worst that can happen is you realize thats its not what you want and then you can try something else!

        6)What are some hardships that you went through that give you strength to keep going and not give up? ( talk about your Dad, if you don’t mind) 

I think the hardest thing for me was losing my father. When I moved to Atlanta I didn't have a job, I took jobs that didn't make a lot of money to make ends meet, and for the first time in my career I got fired! I lost friends, and had a few people turn their backs on me. My father wanted me to come back home so he can help me get back on my feet. I told him no. I felt like there was a reason why God wanted me to go through this so I had to see it through. Then out of the blue,  my Dad called me (we talked every day), to tell me that he had stage 4 Cancer. That was the toughest conversation.  I was torn because I wanted to go home to take care of him, but I also wanted to pursue my dreams.  I would say if I had any regrets it would be that I didn't go home and spend more time with him. When my father died I had basically hit rock bottom. Not just financially, but mentally I felt regret, loneliness and was depressed. I gave myself a few days then I said that I had to get it together. My Father didn't die in vain. I have to make it not just for me but for him too. That's when things started coming together, I met new management, I got a new job, new car, new apartment and I started making music again. 

        7) Besides music, you’re a sneaker lover, how many sneakers do you own? What is your favorite pair of sneakers? And what is it about sneakers that you love the most? 

YES! I love sneakers, it is definitely a passion of mine. I'm not really sure because I sell then replace, but if I had to guess probably 100 or so. I can't really pick out a specific pair of sneakers that I love because I try to only buy sneakers I really like and not just ones that are hyped. I do love a sneaker that has a great color, and I love a good story or history. I love Jordan 1's and I really love Air Max just to name a few. I love that sneakers allow you to be creative. I truly believe that sneakers are art, the construction, the colors and they way they are styled. Sneakers are a vehicle of self expression. 

        8) Tell us more about your organization, Tuff Diamonds. What inspired you to start an organization for the youth? 

As women we always talk about the things we hate about ourselves, like I hate my nose, or my big thighs, etc. I started Tuff Diamonds as a way for women, especially young ladies, to celebrate the things they love about themselves. I love kids, and I feel like there should be more role models for them to look up too. You don't have to be a rapper, or a instagram model to be rich and to have a good life. I feel like kids need more options. 

        9)What are your future goals and how will you make them your reality? 

I have a lot of goals lol, but I would like to own my own sneaker store, and I also would love to travel overseas to sing. I have a few plans in motion to make the a reality, but above all I have faith that I will accomplish them

        10)What would you tell someone who doesn’t believe in themselves? 

I would tell them that its not easy, and it something that you have to work on a little bit every day. Make a list of all of the things you love about yourself, your strengths and look at them everyday. I also believe in the power of visualization.  Making a vision board and having positive affirmations that you refer to every day will help in believing that whatever you can believe you can make happen. 

        11)What would you tell your younger self? 
Start loving yourself and your uniqueness, continue to be different, and it's ok to not be like everyone else. Don't be afraid of your passions and whatever it is that you want to do in life-just do it. Don't worry so much about money, because it will always come and go. Spend time with the people you love and that love you. Time goes by SO quickly, don't waste it on things that don't matter. Lastly, learn how to save better and build and maintain your credit. 

        12)Confidence is you because 

I am confidence because I learned from falling down, and getting back up. For not allowing rejection to define my destiny. I am confidence because I believe in myself and my abilities, nobody can take that away from me. 
In life you will be face with different challenges, some that you didn't expect but through it all no matter how hard it gets, YOU KEEP GOING! Believe in yourself an hold on to your faith. Tiona believed in herself so much that she took a leap of faith and left everything behind and even with the lost of her father, she didn't give up. She knew that the best would come and with every step that she takes her father would be right by her side.

It's 2019, don't just wish and hope, Do what is necessary for you to be happy. You're living this life for you and it's important that you live your best life with no regrets. I know I have to give myself a pep talk almost everyday because sometimes it does get discouraging when things aren't going your way but you can't give up no matter what. We all have goals and we all the best for us. Iam learning to trust what God has plan for me and if needed to take a leap of faith. At times taking the leap will change your life forever and for the best. Go for what you want, Go for what you believe in, Go for what your heart desires, Take that leap of faith, you deserve it. 

Tiona keep reaching for the stars, Iam thankful that you gave me a chance to get to know you and feature you on the blog. Keep inspiring, Confidence Is YOU! 

                    A Confident Love From Me to You

1 comment:

  1. Loaded with superb and virtuosic words.Powerful is all that is in this blog.
