Tuesday, May 28, 2019

How bad do you want it?

So I didn't plan on writing a blog this morning  but God spoke to me and said " Write, type whatever it is that comes to mind". I have those moments when he just speaks to me about what I need to do and sometimes I listen. Tonight I decided to listen, I haven't posted a blog since April 1st so why not. How do I feel at this very moment? I feel good, I feel motivated, I feel scared, I feel confused, I feel at peace. I feel  so many emotions but that’s how I feel at this very moment. But despite how I feel, Iam Blessed and thankful for everything that I’ve dealt with and the things that Iam going through now. 

Life happens, one week you can be good and than the following week something could happen to change your mood upside down but what I've learned is that no matter what you have to keep moving and put yourself first. It's not easy but it's important to do so no matter how hard it gets. A few weeks ago, I was in my feelings where I couldn't even be there for MJ as I wanted to be but I knew that he deserved his mommy so I pushed myself to be there for him. Life is HARD but it's a BLESSING. I overcame what I was going through because being sad and miserable isn't going to do anything positive for me. It's just going to slow me down. It's ok to feel all of these emotions and be able to work on them, ask for guidance and understanding and move on. I talk to GOD ALOT and he shows me signs and talk back to me. He reminds me that everything will be just fine and to do the work as in focus more on what my calling is.

I can't ignore my passion and what I am suppose to do anymore, I have to get shit done and kick ass. I have so many dreams and I know I am capable of making them a reality but I am not consistent which is my BIGGEST FLAW but no more excuses and just waiting for me to do it tomorrow. Everything that you envision on doing with yourself and your life, you're capable of doing it. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, we all have endless possibilities to WIN. It’s all in us to WIN, we just have to keep moving forward through it all. 

I feel like we go through things at times so it can motivate us to focus on what we need to do in order to succeed. You can’t focus too much on what you’re going through because then you will lose focus on what you’re suppose to be doing. Don’t allow anything to stop you, you have the power to overcome anything and be the best version of yourself. I haven’t written a blog in weeks and it’s ok because here I am at 7:53am writing this blog. If it’s in you, bring it out and be consistent about making your ideas a reality. 

How bad do you want it? Ask yourself this question DAILY and make shit happen. It can take weeks, months, years but believe in yourself so much that you will manifest your goals into your dream come true. You got this, We Got This!  

          A Confident Love From Me To You
                            Xoxo, Yanika 

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