Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A Confident Tuesday Transformation Featuring Chardline Chanel-Faiteau.

It's been a few weeks since I've written a blog on a healthy transformation. We all need inspiration and motivation when it comes to weight loss. It's a struggle for most of us, I know it is for me but each and everyday I push myself because I know Iam capable of one day reaching my goal. My confident Dolls DON'T GIVE UP, I know you want to especially after not seeing any results but KEEP ON PUSHING. One day all your hard work will pay off. 

Say Hello Charline Chanel Faiteau, I've been following this beauty for quite some time and she is absolutely a sweetheart and true inspiration. Her wight loss journey is something she shares and talks about to help others. Charline is a 26 years old Boston resident, she works as the education and outreach investigation for the office of fair housing and equity from 9 to 5 but 24/7 she is a Plus Size Blogger, a fitness aficionado, a paleo rat and an all around ball of excess energy. My Confident Dolls never say you don't have time to do what's necessary to help you on your weight loss journey. When you want something, you will make time for it. The driving force behind the beginning of Charline weight loss was a series of diagnoses that she revived. She was 327lbs ( at her last DR appointment in 2012) and that's when her Doctor told her that she was pre-diabetic, had high cholesterol and she kept on suggesting that she get the gastric sleeve surgery. At that very moment Charline knew she had to make a change, but she didn't know the best way to go about it. 

She didn't want to just settle by having the surgery when she never gave herself a chance. Almost 3 years later, she lost 100lbs on her own. She knew she could do it and she did by changing her outlook on fitness and food. She started her weight loss journey with EATING! She started reading this book called "EAT" by DR Ian Smith, it truly revolutionized the way she looked at food. Once she realized what the food industries have been doing for years, she changed her eating habits and then slowly started adding work out routines by 3 different trainers. She took a series of classes that both helped her with cardio and strength training. ( which she shared with us to do) 

(set Aside 20 mins in the morning to do this workout) 

What motivated Charline is that she knew she wanted to have a family one day. She knew that having all these conditions before motherhood would hinder a lot. She thought so much about her future and what it could look like that it made her forget about the cookies, cake and other things. Her eating habits has changed to low carb to NO CARB! Paleo is a great lifestyle that Charline is doing and it works for her. Some of you may wonder what is Paleo? It's majority plants and meats, nothing processed, nothing package or can.  No soda, milks, dairy, refined sugar, cornfield meat, farmed fish, and sodium based seasoning. It's a lot but she eliminated all of those things and stated to notice how much energy she had. 

Many find themselves losing weight for the benefit of others, Charline advice to them is ONLY LOSE WEIGHT FOR YOURSELF! Losing weight for someone else doesn't produce the same drive as losing weight for your own sustainability, health, and life. Remember the person you are losing weight for isn't putting ANY of the work that you are putting in. JUST DO IT FOR YOU! Charline tips to someone who wants to lose weight is to reach out to those who are on their own personal journey. 

She learned from a friend @jadeallwaze who gave her some great tips which she ran with. Nothing beats actually seeing someone account of weight loss who started exactly like you did. Does Charline plan on maintaining the figure she has now and she said "I don't care about what my figure looks like" but she plans on maintaining her health by running at least 3 miles a week as well as continuing PALEO. 

Confidence Is ME Because I WORKED FOR IT says Charline. 

You Can Follow Charline On Instagram At @fabulouslyfat2fit, Follow Her For Great Inspiration And Motivation. Thank You Charline For Being CIY Tuesday Transformation Confident Doll, You are an Inspiration and Confidence Will Always Be YOU. 

( Charline & I At Curves Rock Weekend In Baltimore In 2013, First Time Meeting Her After Months Of Talking On IG) 

Remember My Confident Dolls Rome wasn't build in a day, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication but you can do it. Once you are 100% ready, trust me you will do it. Don't think it's impossible to do, BELIEVE and ACHIEVE. 

   A Confident Love From Me To You
                  Xoxo Yanika 


  1. Great weight loss journey! 😃

    I commend you for all the hard work you put yourself through. I know it ain't easy 🙏

    Losing weight can be done with zero exercise minutes per day. Weight loss comes down to energy balance, as long as you’re eating fewer calories than you are burning (you burn calories every second, regardless of what you’re doing), you will lose weight. Exercise is one way to manipulate this energy balance and increase the amount of calories burned.

    So yes, it is certainly possible to exercise for 1 minute and lose weight.

    1 minute of specific weight loss routines, is equivalent to 45 minutes of moderate exercise at the gym 🏋️

    To be honest, I don't know too much more about it other than it working great for me and hubby, click here to take their 1 minute quiz: 1 Minute Weight Loss

    I highly suggest your readers check it out if they're looking to lose your weight easily once and for all.

    Good luck!

    Lost 17 pounds in 3 Months w/ little to no exercise

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