Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Lesson Hurts Before It Teaches!

No pain last forever, I know that's the last thing you're thinking about especially when your heart feels as if it is beating out your chest. At this very moment you don't understand the pain you are feeling because you just want things to go back to being the same and for the pain to go away. 

My confident dolls, I've been there, I know how you feel. I remember there was a time I felt as if my heart was going to stop beating, the pain I felt was unbearable. The pain of a broken heart is the worst, I just wanted the pain to go away. I didn't understand why I had to go through this pain which is something we all wonder. We all ask "Why Me", not understanding that this is God plan at that very moment. I went through some sh*t where I almost took my own life away.  

People always say "it's never that serious" but when nothing else matters and you just want the pain to go away, the unthinkable will go through your mind. I never thought I was capable of picking up a knife one night and start cutting my arms up but I wanted the pain to go away. People can say what they want to say but you will never feel the pain I felt at that very second, I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone. 

The more sh*t I went  through, I started realizing that the pain that Iam feeling at that very moment won't last forever. The pain that Iam feeling today, I won't feel it a couple months from now but we don't think of it that way because we want the pain to go away the minute we feel it. 

We are not all perfect, we all go through things, we all feel pain, we all wish things can just be easy but it can't be that way. We have to go through sh*t for it to better us and for it to make us stronger. For every pain I felt, I learned a lesson from it. I understand now, God gives his strongest soldiers the toughest battles because he knows no matter how much you may complain, you will overcome them. 

You just have to believe and have Faith. The pain that you are feeling right now and the tears that seems as if they can't stop coming down your face, one day it will all make sense to you. Everything in life happens for a reason, the two minutes it took me to cut my arm up about 7/8 times it is at that very moment I knew I wanted to live for myself. It is at that very moment I knew my worth as well I knew I had so much more life to live. Now Iam not saying for you to do the same so you can understand certain things but take time to be patient so one day you can understand why you went through the pain you went through. It's a reason, trust me there is. 

Nothing we go through is just for fun, we go through it so it open up our eyes to the situation and know that better things will come. All the sh*t I went through and I didn't understand at that very moment, I am now thankful that I went through it and I went through the pain I went through. There's a lesson in the pain that you are feeling or in the pain the you felt. If you felt it and it doesn't make sense, give it time because in due time everything make sense. 

This is why now whenever I go through something, I just pray. Prayer heals all and prayer gives you strength so one day it will all come to you. I wish we all didn't face to go through things, I wish we can all live life with no pain or worries at all. That's not how things go, we have to go through things so we can learn from them. Everything and anything you go through there is a lesson to be learn, PAY ATTENTION & Always Know Your Worth. 

    A Confident Love From Me To You
                     Xoxo Yanika 

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