Monday, August 10, 2015

Confidence Is Me, You, US!

To be confident, you have to believe that you are indeed confident and in some cases it's not that easy. I know from experience that it's not, for years I wasn't confident and I didn't believe that I could be confident within myself. I didn't like the person I was, I didn't appreciate who I was and I just didn't believe in myself. I would look at others and wish I had an ounce of their confidence asking myself why I couldn't look like them or be like them. 

It took years but after being unhappy for so long I knew that I needed to be confident within myself to be happy. In order for me to be truly happy within myself I needed to be who I was. Why was I so unhappy? All due to me not being what society claimed to be the perfect size, especially  after ending a long term relationship which took a toll on myself esteem but I knew that I needed to be confident and just be the person I was determined to be. 

After finally being who I was and accepting who I was, I knew that I can inspire and motivate others to be who I know they can be. I can't give you confidence, but I can inspire you to believe that "Confidence Is You". It won't be easy but once you start believing that you can be confident, the process is much more easier. I started to think to the times I was confident and loved myself, those moments were some of the happiest times of my life. 

When you start to doubt yourself as well as lose hope within yourself of course your confidence will fade away. Iam tired of seeing others let their low self esteem control them and take away from them being themselves. In order to be truly happy, you have to be who you are destined to be. You also can't pretend to be someone else that you're not. 

Lately I've have been seeing more and more people being confident within themselves but then get talked about for being confident. Some people feel that when someone is too confident, they are being cocky. Are they really being cocky or certain people can't accept someone being so confident within themselves? Iam far from cocky but  Iam very confident and each chance I get I flaunt my confidence. Iam not going to change who I am just so others don't feel a way about who I am. 

Why are people so intimated by someone confidence within themselves?  Internally, people feel that you're better than them so they try to bring you down to their level or make you feel a way about being confident. I learned that in life people will judge you no matter what, it doesn't matter what it is they will find anything to judge you on. That's why when I realized being myself is the only way I can fulfill my happiness I didn't care what anyone had to say about me. 

Someone being confident doesn't define them as being better than you or being cocky. For them being confident indicates them not only being themselves but also showing that they believe in the person they are. We live in a world where we have to constantly fight so our voice can be heard, why must we fight to be who we are? 

I wish people can stop being so judgemental, I really wish they could stop that sh*t but that's how the world is. No matter what people will find something to talk about whether you're skinny, confident, plus size, married, single, smart, ambitious, they will talk about you no matter what. So my motto is F*#k what anyone has to say about you and BE WHO YOU ARE! 


   A Confident Love From Me To You
                   Xoxo, Yanika 

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