Friday, October 16, 2015

Fashionista Friday...A Diva With Ambition & Confidence Featuring Angie Better Known As Gie Loves.

A few months ago Kayla (CIY Intern) Said to me "She's DOPE!" And she definitely was. As I scroll down her Instagram page, her pictures yelled "Confidence, Fashion, & An I Don't Give A F*#%, Iam Going To Wear Want I What Attitude". and that's what I Love. She represented herself and no one else. I knew right away she would one day be CIY "Friday Fashionista" and here we are. 

I Finally Instagram messaged her and right away she told me "Yes I would love to do it". Once I received her answers and read them, she was definitely my type of girl. I emailed her right away telling her we have to meet once she comes to New York and what is so crazy she lives In Toronto, Canada which is a few hours from Montreal, Canada ( Where Iam From). She was herself while answering these questions and 100% real. 

1. Tell me about yourself (name, where are you from, background etc) 

My name is  Angie, and I am a hairstylist, clothing stylist and personal shopper. I am currently living too far from civilization lol aka the country but Iam actually as we speak in the process of moving out and Iam sooo excited to decorate my new place lol not part of the question but wanted to add that in ! 

2. How would you describe your personal style?

My personal style I think really depends on my mood or if i saw something that inspired me. I may be out for a walk and see a pretty tree or scene and think tomorrow I'm going to  wear earth tones and be the coolest tree in the spot (yes i said that) or if it's that time of the month ill be every version of morticia I possibly can lol I most definitely like baggy things I don't think u need to expose yourself to be deemed sexy or attractive I simply like looking cool ... Ill take "That chick looks cool" over "aww you're so pretty any day".  

3. What do you love about fashion?

That you can express every emotion threw articles of clothing just like painting or music... Fashion is an art form if you're  passionate about it, just like make up can transform you so can clothing. Look  at Lady Gaga great example right there of what clothing can do! You are your canvas present yourself as you wish people will take from it what they want but it will always belong to you and you know who or what you are and that applies to everything in life

4.  How do you manage your everything in your life ( school, Job etc)! and still find the time to be fashionable?

Well personally I'm actually trying to get busier lol so I currently have just enough time to do it all and without trying to sounds arrogant how i dress is who i am i have been the way people see me since I was a baby all the labels I've been given "different,loud,special,weird" I've had for years ... So dressing doesn't really inconvenience me because I guess it comes naturally. enjoy spending the time getting jazzed up lolll 

5.Do you do anything specifically to incorporate your personal style into your career?

Well being a hairstylist can be dirty so at work I generally wear black and I spice it up with a heavy make up, a cool lip color ,something funky in my hair, jewelry basically I accessorize the shit out of myself. 

6. What is your favorite fashion trend? Why?

Mens clothing !!! Geeez like why did it take so long i looooove the androgynous look •drools .... I love the sharp corners with solid colors, no pattern and high collars. 

7. How do you feel about “fashion rules”?i.e. Don’t wear white after labor day etc.

I hate them.... Who made rules anyways ? What's the purpose of them if they can be broken ? Serious question if I wear white after labor day or black with brown am I going to hurt someone or spontaneously combust ? NO ... Sooo do whatever the fuck makes you happy... If it makes you feel good sprinkle that shit on everything !!! Even your  navy dress and black tights !!!! 

8. What is your go to fashion item? Why? Where do you shop? 

My go to fashion item is good old black tights from H&M never have and never will own a pair of jeans there so uncomfortable •cringes... I wear tights ALL the time loll a good leather jacket faux or real and with a t-shirt underneath red lips and your instant badass lol my fav stores are H&M, Zara,Forever21 + size section and Value Village, everything reinvents itself and if you have an idea of the look you're trying to achieve, value village will most likely have something from That era its cheap its affordable and it makes you look individual. 

9.What item do you look forward to wearing this fall/upcoming winter? 

Fur !!! All black with a fun coloured fur shall and matching lips !!! Uggg like hellloo calll me !!!! And my new 30$ emerald green• my fav color, wool jacket that I got at value village its a dream lol. 

10. What advice do you give to someone who is trying to find their personal sense of style?

Find something that you feel comfortable in whether it's a color or a particular piece of clothing and run with it, Vera Wang once said "that if you like something buy it in every color because it will never look the same"! . And STOP comparing yourself to other people... When you love your choices in life or in clothing people will love them too annnnd if they don't who cares they don't need to because you do ! 

11. What are your future Goals? 

Stay happy first and foremost travel more start my blog do more things that are geared towards the fashion field keep busy get more tattoos keep staying happy loll andddd meet pink !!

Confidence is me because - I stopped looking for a knight and found my sword. 

Gie wanted to share more with the blog which I love,  I always tell my CIY Fashionista to write a little bit more so we can learn from or be inspired. Once I read this, I smiled. I glad she added this for all of us to read, it is true No One can give you your confidence, you have to believe in yourself because Confidence Is YOU! 

I wanted to add something else because your blog is in regards to confidence that I can't stress how important it is to love yourself I used to think it was so cliché when people used to tell me that and I finally learned that it's actually the most brilliant thing loving yourself has little to do with your physical self but actually involves loving all the things you do every day of your life your job your relationships with your friend and your significant others it has to do with being aware of who you are your feelings and your actions. believe there are two types of people those who are born with confidence and those who grow into their confidence some children have lived the lives they live since they were small and no one ever told them to stop dancing then their are children were raised and told to dim their light, as those children grow older at no age in particular they find that confidence attach yourself to things that lead you in positive directions find confidence in the things that make you happy and run with that and remember attaching yourself to another human does not give you confidence because when he or she is gone you have to be happy with who you are left with and thats YOU. 


Thank You Angie for being confident, knowing your worth and loving yourself. You are DOPER than DOPE!!! Follow your heart and your passion, I know you will inspired My confident dolls as you inspired me. I can't wait for our NYC date one day. 

My Confident Dolls, Be Yourself and wear what the F%*k you want to wear, stop thinking about the opinions of others and just DO YOU!!!!! 

      A Confident Love From Me To You 
                     Xoxo, Yanika 

1 comment:

  1. Like the fourth outfit :)
    Maria V.
