Monday, October 26, 2015

Maybe You're Not Enough For Him.

You're wondering and asking yourself, Why isn't he into you like he used to?. You're doing everything to get his attention but there is something missing. You know he cares and you know he loves you but something isn't right but you stay with him because you believe things will get better. Ladies I understand, and Iam all for fighting for what you believe in but are you going to fight until you forget about yourself? Are you going to fight knowing deep inside it's not worth it? Are you going to fight by yourself? If you are fighting by yourself, it's not worth it. 

In your mind you feel that you're enough for him, you cook, clean, make him laugh, support him, give him sex when he wants to and feel that you satisfy his every needs. You're the perfect women and everyone would be blessed to have you but is he really blessed to have you. He knows you're a good women but you're not enough for him. He needs more and you're unable to give it to him so he looks elsewhere. He doesn't want to hurt you but he does not intentionally. You're perfect, yes indeed but you're not perfect for him. 

I've been there with my Ex ( I hate to bring him up but shit, most of the things I went through in a relationship was with him), he cheated and I was beyond hurt because I did everything for him. I questioned myself a million times, What did I do? It took years to realized I didn't do anything, I was good to him but I wasn't enough for him. At first I didn't understand because I was to angry with him cheating on me with someone who wasn't attractive with 4 different baby fathers. I didn't understand, I thought he was insane and when I spoke to her she was the total opposite of me. I was angry but then I said to myself, HIS LOST! I did ask him, "Did she give you oral?" since I wasn't doing it to him and he said "Yes". I did everything for him but he needed to be satisfied in other ways in which I wasn't doing. 

He did want he had to do, at first I didn't understand why but I realized I wasn't enough for him. We as women never can come terms with that because when a man cheat on us, we either blame ourselves, blame the other female which had nothing to do with him hurting you or accuse him for being stupid for cheating on you. Have you ever thought for a minute that you just aren't enough for him? 

At the end of the day you need someone to appreciate your worth and be able to accept your flaws and all while being satisfied with everything you have to offer. Yes, you are the perfect girl but maybe you aren't perfect for him. Don't blame yourself and don't hate yourself because he didn't realize how great you were. Matter of fact he did realize how amazing you were but you just wasn't the perfect one for him. 

It's ok, don't blame yourself and don't beat yourself up. There is someone out there praying for YOU, I know you're hurt and you had plans with him but would you want to be with someone who isn't satisfies to be with you?  Would you want to live in a lie with someone that looks elsewhere to be completely satisfied? As I mentioned in a previous blog, "You can't change a man, he has to be willing to change for himself". Keep that in mind because we have the habit of staying just wishing that he would change, trust me I know and he didn't change not one bit, the only thing that changed was the date and the month followed by the years I wasted while wishing/believing that he would change. 

Stop  thinking to yourself that you aren't worth it and you have to settle in orde to be happy. It's ok if you aren't enough for him because you will be enough for someone else. Stop blaming yourself, I would rather him hurt you for a second because no pain last forever than to hurt you for the rest of your life lying to you and treating less than what you deserve. I know that you know that you're worth it, believe that you are worth it. If he leaves you to be with someone else, he did you a favor. 

Know Your Worth, You're Worth It Just Not For Him!!!!!! 

    A Confident Love From Me To You
                    Xoxo, Yanika 

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