Sunday, October 14, 2018

Life Happens!

Life happens and as much as we plan our lives a certain way more than certain it doesn’t go that way. It’s ok to plan but just keep in mind that things happen that may set back your plans or better yet change your original plans for the better. God has a plan for all of us and sometimes our plans isn’t his plans. We may go through things that make us say" this wasn’t my plan” but what we go through is meant to make us stronger and be a lesson for us to learn so God can give us what is meant for us to have. 

On September 29th, my plans took a left turn when my mother was admitted to the hospital. I had plans to go to the movies that day with MJ but instead I was in an ambulance rushing my mother to the hospital. I won’t go into details on what was wrong with her but she was at the hospital for 5 days which was the some of the toughest days of my life. As much as I wanted her home, I had to leave my faith in God and trust that she will come back home to us ( which she did). I didn’t plan to take a whole week off of work, I didn’t plan  to sit all day at a hospital with my mother, I didn’t  plan to spend my time with MJ at a park across the street from the hospital that week, I didn't plan to not write a blog entry etc. Every thing I planned for that week didn’t happen but it was ok with me, I remained faithful and knew that if it didn’t happen this week, it will happen next week. And if it doesn’t happen, well it wasn’t meant to be. 

You have to remember life has it turns but no matter what stay true to who you are, believe, Have Faith and Never Give Up. Things won’t always be easy but being alive is such a remarkable blessing that we shouldn’t take for granted. While I was at the hospital watching my mother get better, it made me realize to appreciate life more than ever because you never truly know when our  last day will be on this earth. I don’t know about you but just the thought of not knowing when my last day will be alive is very scary to me. 

I don’t want to live a life full of regrets, I have many dreams and goals and I know each day that I am alive, it is another day for me to work towards what is necessary for me to one day say “ I did it because I didn’t give up”. I know that things will happen and I will have a few bumps along the road which I’ve been dealing with for years especially with Confidence Is You but one thing is for sure I NEVER GAVE UP ON MYSELF and I NEVER WILL!  People will give up on you but never give up on yourself. Always be grateful and thankful for it all because things can be worse. I don't complain anymore, I just see things for what it is and be appreciative for it all. 

I am healthy, I am ALIVE, I have an amazing son, I have  amazing family and friends, an amazing Boyfriend, I have a Job, a roof over my head, food on the table, money to pay my bills and the ability to continue doing what I truly love which is writing. I may not be where I want to be in life but Iam thankful for what I have RIGHT NOW. Iam BLESSED and I know life happens but we are capable of moving on when things aren't in our favor which is a blessing. God won't put us where we don't belong, TRUST HIS PROCESS!

As one of my great friends Candice said " They say if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plan. Most of the time when things don't work out its just God preparing you for an upgrade. Keep doing what you're doing". You Got This, Confidence Is YOU! 

                             A Confident Love From Me to You
                                              Xoxo, Yanika 

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